When you have a terrible day and you want to scream,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.

When your feeling so down and you have lost all hope,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.

When your feeling betrayed and you want to curse,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.

When you can't see a way out of a terrible situation,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.

When your feeling like you have no self esteem,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.

When your feeling good and the world is at your feet,
JusT remember noT To ForgeT ALLAH,

U can ThEn bE cerTain HE will Remember you.

Repost: productivemuslim 

"MAICIH" Crispy


 just know it from my friend and sometime a long the way to my home i used to see this poster but i didn't have time to drop by.  my friend said  this crispy has  levels  for the spicy taste . the high level is 10.jadi penasaran !!!! :P
akhir nya  disempetin berhenti di garage cafe . i didnt choose the original one coz i was still afraid to choose the spicy level. they only have level 5 n level 10 . so my decision came to the spicy cheese crispy n no level for this crispy . and u- know what it s still spicy after sometime!!!!!! walau ngak ada level nya . the taste is so-so for me tapi spicy nya itu yang bikin nagih . ni cemilan bagus banget buat orang yang having influenza:P . may be next time i m going to buy the original taste  . gonna try level 10  :P . penasaran!!!! mudah2an ngak ke bakar lidah

His Name Diego

My handsome cousin and me 

Assalamualaikum  readers,

Talking about my cousin , pasti selalu ada cerita seru ,lucu and mengemaskan hehehehe. last saturday he was with me dari siang ampe sore nemenin dia main coz his mom had to go somewhere .so his mom asked me to keep him n his big sister. 
My cousin is so active but he is also friendly at same time . at that day we spent times with him at the game station .he made me laugh every times he communicate with other kids in the games station n also with people who older than him .after that we also watched 3D movie for the very first time .the ticket is quite expensive sekitar 35.000 untuk 15 menit pertunjukan . but its ok at least we knew how it look like . One Word , I want to watch more !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my cousins enjoyed the show.

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