Teaching Reading Through Reciprocal Teaching Method

Reading is one of the language skills which must be taught in English classes of senior high school students. Through the teaching and learning of reading, the students are expected to be able to comprehend the reading passages they read. However, for many students, reading a foreign language is not an easy activity.   Students not only have to read but also have to understand the text. Based on the previous study, it was found that high school students still got some difficulties in finding general information in the passage, finding specific information, identifying main ideas, identifying explicit and implicit information. This condition was caused by several factors such as; students' low motivation in learning English, students' lack of vocabulary, students' low ability in mastering the reading skills, the materials of the reading text, and the monotonous teaching technique. Accordingly, for the improvement of the students' reading comprehension ability, the implementation of an appropriate method or strategy in teaching reading is urgently needed. Therefore, Reciprocal Teaching (RT) has to be applied to cope with their problems in reading comprehension.
Reciprocal teaching is an effective method in improving reading comprehension which  is developed in 1984 by Anne Marie Paliscar from Michigan State University and Anne Brown from the University of Illinois.It teaches students to be active readers that is built on four strategies that student use to comprehend text . First, predicting, the students make predictions about what the author might discuss in the text. Second, clarifying, It teaches students to identify when they do not understand and  take necessary steps to restore meanings. Third, questioning, the students need to develop questions, from the text that they have read . Fourth, summarizing, the students have to recall and arrange the information and construct overall understanding of the text that they have read before.In brief, each strategies in reciprocal teaching is helpful in teaching reading more effective and at the same time it improves the students achievement in reading comprehension.
There were many findings of research in reading comprehension through Reciprocal teaching. The first studies, Paliscar and Brown (1986) have conducted a series of studies to determine the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching. They found that students who were taught these strategies and who were involved in the Reciprocal Teaching routine, made significant gains in comprehension in a relatively short time frame. Students who scored around 30 percent on a comprehension assessment scored 70 to 80 percent after just 15-20 days of instruction using reciprocal teaching. After one year, the students maintained the comprehension growth they had achieved. In her own research with reciprocal teaching, Oczkus (2003), found that student’s reading levels rose one half to one full grade level in just 18-20 reciprocal teaching lessons two or three times per week. In another study, Cooper et. all (2000) reported dramatic results in reading levels after 76 reciprocal teaching lessons.
Budi Suryanto (2009) also founded that the result of his research showed that the RT Method in the teaching-learning of reading comprehension was effective in improving the students' reading comprehension. The improvement was indicated by the increase of the students' average score throughout the cycles of action that was 53.56 in the preliminary study; 58.69 in the test of Cycle 1; and 72.00 in the test of Cycle 2. Besides, students were motivated and active in the class using the method in terms of learning to work together and to help each other in a group with different competence, which was showed by the result of their works.
It‘s also supported by the writer when she did research toward 25 junior high school SMPN 21 Tambang. She combined Reciprocal teaching with Cooperative learning or Students pairing. She found that Reciprocal teaching is a useful and efficient strategy for improving reading comprehension. Nopri Malia as a writer (2009:20) said that when reciprocal teaching is implemented and the learner makes substantial gains in their comprehension skills, the learner can then gain better understanding of complex text in the content.
Based on some studies that had been done by researcher above such as Paliscar and Brown, Oczkus, and Cooper at all, they agree that Reciprocal Teaching Method can increase students reading comprehension. Then Budi Suryanto has also use it and found that reciprocal teaching not only increase the students reading comprehension but also it can be effective to motivate and make students active in the class using the method in terms of learning to work together and to help each other in a group with different competence, which was showed by the result of their works. In addition, the writer also has combined this method with other approach such as cooperative learning. From studies above the writer can conclude that Reciprocal Teaching Method is effective method in improving students reading comprehension and at the same time students can be motivated and be active in the class using the method in terms of learning to work together and to help each other in a group with different competence to gain better understanding of complex text in the content.

Budiman, Suryanto. 2009.Implementing Reciprocal Teaching Method to Improve Reading Comprehension Ability of the Eleventh Graders of MAN Muara-Teweh, Central Kalimantan. http://karya-ilmiah.um.ac.id/index.php/disertasi/index

Cooper, J.D., Boschken, L., McWilliams, J., & Pistochini, L. (2000). A study of the effectiReciveness of an intervention program designed to accelerate reading for struggling readers in the upper grades. In T. Shanahan & F.V. Rodriguez-Brown (Eds.), 49th yearbook of the National Reading Conference. Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference.

Malia, Nopri. 2009. Improving Reading Comprehension Trough Reciprocal Teaching(RT) of the Second Year Students at SMP 2 Tambang, Kampar.FKIP-UNRI.(Unpublished)

Oczkus, D Lori. 2003. Reciprocal Teaching at work: Strategies for improving reading comprehension.   Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Palincsar, A.S. (1986). Reciprocal teaching. In Teaching reading as    thinking. Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.

Subject : My Final Academic Writing Assignment

Role Play

Assalamualaikum readers,^_^

Today , i had class at university .i wore Malay kebaya .because the motif is from Malay especially the skirt .
u know readers, its my clothes when i was in the third level at junior high school .can u imagine how long it has been ??? heheheee that is one of the advantages if u r not tall. i m only 148. how short i m  :(.but life is not about regret for the weaknesses ^_^but to improve what u have in yourself .do u agree?

well now, i m going about to share with u the best way to improve students' speaking ability.yeah this morning i did role play with my students. i prepared 12 topics for them n i divided them into small group/work in pair in order everyone can be really active to each role  .here r the topics
A: Invite B to go somewhere this weekend.
B: Politely refuse A's invitation.
A: Call and tell your boss (B) you can't come to work because of illness.
B: You think A is bluffing (not really sick).
A: Ask B to teach you to play tennis.
B: You hate coaching for free.
A: Try to get B to divulge a secret about someone else.
B: Don't be persuaded to do it.
A: Ask B to give you a ride home.
B: A's house is out of the way, and your time is limited.
A: Call and tell B you can't come to the party on Friday.
B: Try to get A to come to the party. (It's a surprise party for him/her.)
A: Try to get B to smoke marijuana.
B: You don't want to use any illegal drug.
A: Call to order a pizza.
B: Wrong number. You sell pitas, not pizzas.
A: Present B with an unsolicited gift.
B: You do not feel comfortable accepting the gift.
A: Try to get B to go on a date with your niece/nephew.
B: You can't stand A's niece/nephew.
A: You ran over B's favorite pet with your truck. Apologize to him/her.
B: You are very upset with the news. The pet is irreplaceable.
A: You lost your wedding ring. Tell your spouse (B).
B: Get angry with A for losing the ring.

But for today i only asked them to practice with their partner n the next meeting they should be ready to perform in front of the class. can wait to see their performances. readers especially teachers, u can try to use these topic for role play .hope it works :)

My new red glasses

Assalamualaikum ,^_^

i ve just bought a new glasses!!!!!! :D actually my first choice was black for the frame but the price was too expensive ,so as the result i choose the red frame . what do u think readers????does it match with me ??^_^
actually i had two glasses already but one is broken and one  is left  in my old car when i changed my car with my aunt's car ,so i must buy the new one because i cant read n see clearly for things that far from me and at night without my glasses 

Thanks God for the miracle ^_^

Assalamualaikum, ^_^

Hi readers!!! how 's life going with u ?? hope the good things always be with u :). last Monday was the  important day for my youngest brother due to the announcement of his national final examination. my family was worry about it coz we had to be ready for the bad things that's would happen if my brother couldn't pass it .so the question arise ?? y ??? the answer is when he was junior high school he didn't pass his final exam n he got seize many time n we were so sad for that n as we know that he had epilepsy so we couldn't put big expectation to him . because of a person who has epilepsy cant be forced to study or think harder. 

So , in senior high school he faced same thing in order could finish his study and continue to study at university . my family and i kept praying to Allah all nights for him when he faced the exam especially my mom . this is the only thing that we can depend on since we have done many thing for his studying and health.

Finally that day came, my mom, my first brother n i accompany my youngest brother to his school .y we also joined him coz he could get seize at school, sad n depress  if he didn't pass the exam . i kept praying in my heart while i was waiting for him . then i saw , my youngest brother n run toward me ,he seem want to cry .he said to me n my mom " I Pass mom" .Then my mom said Alhamdulillah ya Allah .n i said from the bottom of my heart thanks God forthe miracle , its not easy for him if didn't pass this exam . my family y are really thankful for that .so after knew the result we went to the mosque near by to do praying n then my youngest brother got PS3 as a present after that we had shopping n dinner together . its so lovely day for Us .

be ready to go

see how the euphoria of students when they know their result.they wrote something on their uniforms by using paint.it can be their name , message n signature

at the time i ask my brother .y u didn't like them ,then he answered wisely. there was not useful to do that.it s better to go to the mosque n say thanks to Allah. God i m proud of him .but any way every people have right to express their happiness
do praying here

Ya Allah plz protect my youngest brother wherever he is.  Make his life meaningful even he has to eat medicine everyday n less activity that he can do .Hope The good things always in his side.   ^_^


i love colors n the color that i love most is pink so today my outfit for teaching was pink  . it looks like kebaya  :)

Mr. Owl

Assalamualaikum, ^_^

Mr.Owl , welcome to my life !!!!! :D found him when i was in Bukit Tinggi last week . n guys its cheaper than the price in my city 

Recycle my long old shirt

Assalamualaikum, ^_^

Today, i was so busy to recycle my old long short. i made it short cardigan from it.in order i can match it with dress .the result is not so bad for beginner :P but truly saying my sewing doesn't look tidy :D but i ll practice ,practice n practice .fighting!!!!!.. thanks to GDa's blog that gives the inspiration to do it. :).let me show u how its look like :P .promise dont tease it ok!!!! :D
i cut the bottom of my shirt because it was long .i didn't cut the middle front of shirt but i cut it close to the line front side of the shirt then i gave one button on the top


Note: Not expert on fashion but i do love it :)

Baju Kurung

Assalamualaikum, ^_^

hi, how r u doing??? my self not really good today but as i said before today i will show u what kind of clothes that i wear  for teaching .hope u like it :)

I fall in love with hijab fashion ^_^


InsyaAllah ,i gonna have new category in my blog.the category is about fashion.even though my style is so-so n i m not really expert on it  but in this category i will try to give my best idea about fashion especially for muslimah then i will also post some of my fashion style at work n at my daily life.for me fashion is not always about expensive clothes n famous brand  but its about ur creativity to match n mix  the clothes that u have n feel comfort with what u wear .Hopefully, this category can give some ideas  n can inspire u  ^_^
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