Speech  is used in different ways  among different groups of people.Each group has its own norms of linguistics behavior

We must  try to understand how different groups of people use their language  if we are to achieve a comprehensive understanding of how that language is related to  the society that uses it

A.   Varieties of Talk
To see some of the ways in which various people in the world use talk, or sometime the absence of talk
Let see the differences between silent and speak for some people
1.     SILENT
Western Apache
  •   When meet stranger
  • New relationship
  • Shyness
  • Sympathizing after someone dies
  • Confronted with ambiguity and uncertainty in their social relationship
  •  Shyness
  • Confusion
  • Agreement
  • Doubt
  • Understanding
2.     SPEAK
  •    Keep communication open among them 
  • To avoid conflict
  •  To prevent uncertainty in human relationship
  • Easter Indonesia
  •   Great pleasure of life

B.   The Ethnography of Communication

An ethnograpy of a communicative  even is a description of all the factors that are  relevant in understanding  how the particular communicative event achieves its  objectives.

Some factors that we have to consider base on Hymes are:
a.     Setting and Scane
Setting refers to the time and place
b.    The participant
It include various combinations of speaker-listener,addressor –addresse,or sender-receiver
c.     End
It refers to the conventionallt recognized and expected outcomes of an exchange as well as to the personal goals that participants seek to accomplish
d.    Act sequence
It refers to the actual form and content of what is said: the precise words used, how they are used, and the relationship of what is said to the actual topic at hand
e.     Key
It refers to the tone, manner, or spirit in which a particular message is coveyed : light-hearted, serious, precise, pedantic, mocking,sarcastic, pompous, and so on

f.       Instrumentalities
It refers to choice of channel
g.     Norm of interaction and interpretation
It refers to the specific behaviours and properties that attach to speaking and also to how these may be viewed by someone who does not share them
h.    Genre     
It refers to clearly demarcated types of utterances;such things as poems, proverbs, riddles,sermons, prayers, lectures, and editorials

Example 1:
     A : Kiri .......!!!
     B  : OK
These factors will have us to understanding of the conversation above
  Setting and Scane : in public transportation (bus and oplet)
  The participant: Passanger and driver
  End : giving instruction/expressing request
  Act sequence :casual conversation
  Key : high tone intonation
  Instrumentalities :oral language betwen passenger and driver
  Norm of interaction and interpretation : polite and loundness
  Genre : daily  word that commonly use in public transportation

Example 2:
    A: Mau pesan apa buk?
    B: saya ayam goreng
These factors will have us to understanding of the conversation above
  Setting and Scane : at restaurant
  The participant: waiter and customer
  End : giving instruction/expressing request
  Act sequence :casual conversation
  Key : flat tone intonation
  Instrumentalities :oral language between waiter and customer
  Norm of interaction and interpretation : polite
  Genre : daily  sentence  that is use in restaurant

C.    Ethnomethodology

Ethnomethodology is that branch of sociology which is concerned,among other things,with talk viewed in this way
Ethnomethodology are interested in the processes and techniques that people use to interpret the world around them and to interact with what world

Example 1:
     A : Kiri ........!!!
     B  : OK

    after we analyze this sentences then we can interpret the conversation above. the conversation happens in public transportation between passenger and driver,when the passager said the instruction  words,it  means that she/he want to stop and because both of them have same backround knowledge at this case so both of them can understand each other

Example 2 :
A: Mau pesan apa buk?
B: saya ayam goreng
    after we analyze this sentences then we can interpret the conversation above. the conversation happens at restaurant between waiter and customer,when the customer said the sentence,it means that she/he want to have friend chicken for eating not tell herself is a fried chicken and because both of them have same backround knowledge at this case so both of them can understand each other


After we have disccused about ethnography and ethnomethodology, We can conclude that communication is directed toward keeping an individual society going. in communication people use various ways to communicate with each other. therefore we have to understand how different groups of people use their language If we want to comprehend their language as one of the means to do so

Wardhaugh, Ronald .1998.An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Ethnography and Ethnomethodology ,237-254. Blackwell Publisher Ltd.

 Note : Sociolinguistics Subject


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